Wednesday, 7 August 2013

Infernal (Koochie Koo With Backlit Smoke), Shrub Hill Common

This is my first upload from my second shoot with the dictionary definition amazing Koochie Koo.

Our first shoot was interrupted by a near literally cataclysmic rain storm. Having been drenched the first time around, we figured we'd go ahead with the second shoot despite stalking rain threatening to turn to thunder. I'm so glad we gave it shot. Certainly there was plenty of rain about, yet setting up in a wooded area for shelter we ended up with great cover from the wind for a series of backlit smoke shots.

The smoke comes from some little pellets from a company called "Pea Soup" that I'd recommend. I think they're sold as paint-balling supplies. Focusing through it is a nightmare; I dread to think what this would have cost shooting on film.

The superb Darryl J Dennis is providing invaluable assistance wafting the wayward smoke around with a spare reflector.

There's a danger my photostream is going to be completely overrun with shots from this series... Please shout at me if that becomes the case. There's a B&W version in the comments; this one has to be colour to my mind, but I've really enjoyed people's thoughts on the colour/B&W versions when I post alternatives. The feedback is especially appreciated when people disagree, so if you have a second I'd love to know what you think.

Hopefully everyone is having an amazing week.

Info for Strobist:

2x Canon 600EX-RT - master on camera in Lasolite "Ezybox" at ~1/16, slave fired by built in RT in umbrella 45 degrees camera left, 2 feet above model, 3m back, gelled CTO, at 1/2 power. Backlight is from an LED strip (ungelled) just behind the model camera left, and a 220 lumen Lenser MT7 military flashlight gelled red about 4m behind the model on the ground. There's a 1.2m silver reflector on a makeshift stand camera right, just off axis.