Thursday, 14 November 2013

Mental Arithmetic (Anya Holloway Reading Pythagorean Hodograph Curves), Banksy Tunnel London

Via Flickr:
These shots (plural, as there are two more from the session in the comments!) are from another of the "Alt Maths" series I'm putting together.

They're shot in London's incredible Banksy Tunnel (aka Leake Street) - a 300m long tunnel of constantly evolving street art that runs under London Victoria. As you'll see in the comments, it attracts a crowd of odd characters, so if you're shooting there I'd suggest bringing a sense of humour and your wits to avoid confrontation.

The model is Anya Holloway, who got involved through Purpleport. She's fantastic to work with, and I'd recommend checking our her portfolio on the link above. Meanwhile, for those in the UK not using Purpleport, I recommend it strongly. Great community - much easier to navigate and much more genuine interactions than Model Mayhem.

Sorry for the recent radio silence - Q4 means things are busy! Catching up over the next couple of days.

Info for Strobist:

2x Canon 600EX-RT - master on camera in Lasolite "Ezybox" at ~1/128, slave fired by built in RT in white shoot through umbrella 45 degrees camera left, 2 feet above model, 3m back, at 1/4 power.