Saturday, 28 December 2013

Flash, Minolta SR-T Super With Demi Tron 200

Via Flickr:
Quick post from the Minolta SR-T Super session, trying my hand at product photography using the Hooded Accomplice's lights and shooting table.

I've been away over Christmas, so am just beginning to catch up now. Hopefully everyone's had a fantastic week whatever you've been up to.

Info for Strobist:

Ambient light from soft box camera right. Snooted YN560ii fired onto background from camera left at 1/32 with Comtrig RT. Second YN560ii fired onto white card beneath translucent shooting table at 1/16 to minimise shadow beneath lens. Lenser MT7 LED flashlight used to add detail and text of Demi Tron flag unit, and LED panel used directly down from camera left to bring up texture on the side of the Demi Tron.