Wednesday 6 February 2013

Alex (Stranger #8/100), London Brick Lane

Via Flickr:
Alex and Alexandra (see shots below in comments) were peacefully watching drmaccon taking street portraits, when xtarsy and I jumped them. Sorry guys! They're a great Italian couple; Alexandra living in London at the moment, and Alex visiting her for the weekend.

Alex had an incredible Canon 50mm f1.2L, so we started chatting about photography. Alexandra was especially interested in the 100 Strangers Project, and was extremely keen to take part. We stepped back into a side alley with some neat urban art for a backdrop.

One of the coolest elements of Sunday was working with the other group members. For a couple of hours Xtarsy traded turns shooting/assisting, and I was lucky enough to be the chap with camera in hand at this point. The light is coming from a 110cm golden reflector, which I purchased having read r c hill's blog post here. I hoped the gold would give a warm punch to compliment the blue artwork behind, but was amazed at how effectively it delivered. Magic!

I'd have happily posted either of these separately, but like the idea that single encounters get a single post. Therefore, I went with Alex for the main shot - just to mix things up after a run of female strangers. I'm really pleased with the shot - not just for the light, but because I feel it catches some of his effortless, rugged cool.

Alex and Alexandra - thanks so much for agreeing to take part, and for putting up with my amateurish rendering of the various Italian proverbs/tongue-twisters with which I attempt to impress all of your countrymen! I really hope you like your pictures. If you get involved in the project it'd be great to hear from you; that 50mm 1.2 must dish out some pretty insane portraits!